LUXIMMO is part of Stoyanov Enterprises


Lukovit is a town in northern Bulgaria, part of Lovech Province. It is situated on both banks of the Zlatna Panega River between the Danubian Plain and the foot of Stara Planina. It is 120 km north-east of Sofia and 49 km south-west of Pleven. It is a centre of a large and interesting karst region.

There are traces of Thracian, Roman, Byzantine and Old Bulgarian periods. Many rings, fibulas, earrings, ceramic articles and objects and the famous Lukovit Silver Treasure dating back to the 4th century BC (exhibited in the museum collection of the Community Cultural Centre) were found in the numerous Thracian mounds scattered in the area. The Karlukovski Monastery is situated nearby.

The area of Lukovit is embracing a magnificent canyon of Zlatna Panega River, local rock formations called Kuklite and the karstic plateau of Karlukovo. 240 caves have been found and explored. Some of them are real phenomena.

Lukovit is located on the major road Sofia - Pleven - Rousse and all the buses servicing this direction have a transit stop there, so bus and also railway transport is available.
The traditional businesses in the area are in the spheres of nutrition, tailoring and paper industries. Private cattle-breeding is also quite popular in the area.

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